Immersive Audio Studio by msonic & Genelec



Genelec: uudet mallit 8351B ja 8361A sekä W371
msonic: Avid S1 | S4 & Pro Tools MTRX


Aisti ja syvenny äänikokemukseen demohuoneessa, jonne on Genelecin ja Avidin tuoteuutuuksilla rakennettu mahdollisuus kokea immersiivinen kuuntelujärjestelmä.

Opi asiantuntijoiltamme – luennot ja tuotedemot avaavat immersiivisen audion maailmaa käytännön esimerkkien kautta.

Ohjelma on englanninkielinen. Paikkoja rajallinen määrä – ilmoittaudu pian ennakkoon!


kansainväliset huippuesiintyjät



Florian Camerer

Talking and playing excellent immersive examples in our sound-proofed listening room, Florian Camerer from ORF in Vienna is one of Europe’s finest audio engineers. As chairman of EBU PLOUD, Florian is also responsible for the development of international standards supporting sonic integrity, from mono to immersive. For audio buffs and musicians, this will be one of AVITA’s most rewarding sessions.

Thomas Lund

Thomas is a senior technologist at Genelec. Lund has extensive experience in pro-audio development, including immersive sound. From an original background in medicine and cross-modal perception, he has taken part in audio standardisation globally, and hosted numerous seminars within film, broadcast and music. Thomas will talk about immersive audio from a perceptual point of view. Localization, envelopment, active sensing; including listening examples. In-room and on-ear monitoring standards for music, OTT, gaming and film. Consumer standards EN62368 and CTA-2075.

Bernard Löhr

Bernard Löhr is a music producer & sound engineer with more than 35 years of experience in the business. He is usually found in Benny Andersson’s (ABBA) studios on an island in the middle of Stockholm, and among his latest work is the recording and mixing of all music in the new movie ”Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again”. Bernard will be playing 7.1.4 tracks from the movie, and discussing his experiences of working in immersive. This is definitely not to be missed!

Aki Mäkivirta

Aki is a research & development director at Genelec. Aki is a Fellow of the AES and a member of the Acoustical Society of Finland. Aki will explain us completely new Genelec solutions in The Ones product family, also having Finnish launch in the show. Aki is also enlightening solution benefits specifically on immersive audio production.

Dave Tyler

Avid’s Audio Solution Specialist Manager, Dave Tyler, works with some of the most interesting and inspirational artists, content creators and distributors in the industry. Dave has a wealth of experience in the industry having started out working in recording studios London and going on to become a freelance recording and mix engineer. Dave joined Avid in 2004. Day-to-day, Dave manages a team of Avid audio solutions and domain experts covering Europe, Africa, Middle East and India, managing the resource requirements across the different geographies, ensuring that the team has the right blend of skills and expertise and facilitating interaction with other parts of the organisation.


Immersive Audio StudioN OHJELMA 2.10. ja 3.10.


Ohjelma on sama molempina messupäivinä. Opastus studioon 15 minuuttia ennen esityksen alkua osastolta 1c30.


9-10 Introducing the new Avid control surfaces: S1 and S4 | Dave Tyler, Avid

10-11 Mamma Mia! Here we go again – immersive this time | Bernard Löhr, Mono Music

11-12 Dolby Atmos workflows using the Pro Tools | MTRX | Dave Tyler, Avid

12-13 Talking and playing immersive examples | Florian Camerer, ORF

13-14 Introducing the new Avid control surfaces: S1 and S4 | Dave Tyler, Avid

14-15 Immersive audio – perception and standards | Thomas Lund, Genelec

15-16 Dolby Atmos workflows using the Pro Tools | MTRX | Dave Tyler, Avid

16-17 Genelec The Ones: Introducing new models | Aki Mäkivirta, Genelec



Tapahtuma on päättynyt, kiitos kaikille osallistujille. 








#audiovisualexpo2019 #immersiveaudiostudio #msonic_genelec